I tend to go to other neighborhoods and explore them. One weekend I ended up exploring my neighborhood and then branched out. Yeah, I have been neglecting close to home. Up the road not far is a hospital. Baycrest Hospital to be exact. On their grounds, easily accessible from the street, they have quite a few sculptures for viewing. Too be honest I stumbled upon them by accident when I was playing a new game called Ingress.
So, here's the start of some of the pieces I found. Note to self, as well, don't forget to check the Dittwald Collection when trying to locate more areas to explore.
The muse is starting to come through. I recently downloaded a software package called "OnOne Perfect Photo Suite 7". A on it's one or add on to Lightroom and Photoshop. I will be messing around with it from time to time. I used the "Perfect Black and White" add on to process the first three pictures here. I liked how it worked and they turned out. Anyway...
Near the end of December was another photowalk. I showed up late because of a late party the night before. It was cold out, at least the sun was nice for stark images. I wandered from Summerhill Station to where the rest of the group was. Eventually moving through Yorkville and ending up at the pub for eats and heat.
Well, back to the grind. I have tracked down my muse, hog tied her, and put her too work. The ropes come off once I produce. At least that's the bargain so far. So, where are we now? Back about the second week of December was a Flickr meet up at Factory Girl on Danforth. Good place, good atmosphere, tricky lighting.
One of my friends brought a present for another friend and that's all she wrote for photography. The present was a home made stuffed devil that was promptly named eDwarD by the receiver. Much merriment followed for the rest of the evening.